Sunday, October 25, 2009

I thought we made it...

... but Brody woke up this morning (at 3am, mind you) with a fever. I knew it was coming when he slept - slept on a SATURDAY during harvest time - from noon until 4:30 pm. Went upstairs by his own choice and slept through the rest of our normal Saturday noise... Today he slept through me dismantling his TV stand - dropping a couple things even though I was trying soooo hard to be quiet - about 5 feet from his head. He is so very upset to be missing Lego League and school tomorrow. I'm mostly praying it doesn't go through the whole household. I went through with anti-bacterial wipes and did all the door knobs, cabinet pulls, remotes... anything I could think of!

We missed my 25th class reunion last night. From the looks of the facebook posts and photos, it was a great evening! But, the dude was sick and wanted him Mommy. Who can argue with that?!


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

I am just waiting for my boys to get it! so far.... nope.
Russ just loves the Lego League too!

I germx the desk at work like crazy! still people walk up and cough right on me! grrr!

have a great week!

ShannonK said...

Isn't that crazy?? COUGH IN YOUR ELBOW - GO AWAY - Anything but sharing your germs!!

One of Brody's classmates left last Tuesday with a temp of 102 and returned to school on Wednesday. Really??? She sits right next to Brody...

I think Brody is doing better all the way around with having added Lego League. He is having a blast. Can't wait to see their stuff!