Friday, May 14, 2010


Table decorations for the graduation party that is *3 weeks away*.  I. will. not. panic.  Will.  NOT.  :-) Today was M'Lynn and Erica's LAST Friday of High School.  How is that possible, exactly?  Did the calendar go into hyper drive and not tell me??

While I've definitely been pre-occupied with graduation preparations, there have been some other fun things going on.  Brody's final 6th grade band concert - with jazz band also - and, brace yourself - his JUNIOR HIGH physical.   Again with the hyper-drive, calendar.  No breaks for this Momma.

There's Brody and his good buddy Russ.  They are *the bomb* at tuba.  Honestly!

Erica had Senior Recognition night for Track... and I didn't even cry.  Aren't you proud?  I am!!

I'm soooo glad we decided to have the party at the 4-H building instead of our home AND so glad that I took the week between graduation and the party as vaction.  I know that week will be crazy, but knowing I have that week is keeping me sane right now - and allowing me to enjoy all these fun (but time consuming) year-end activities!

1 comment:

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

love the gerbers soooo excited for the girls! so sweet of you to mention russ! ALL my pics are of brody from that night cause russ was always behind that tuba! oh well, brody's a cutie!